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Florida Daughters 1906 Convention - Orlando

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Florida Daughters 1932 Convention - Hollywood Beach Club Hotel

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Gamble Plantation - Ellenton


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Olustee Monument Dedication 1912

Courtesy State Library and Archives of Florida, Florida Memory

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Natural Bridge Battlefield Historic State Park


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Olustee Battlefield Historic State Park

Courtesy of Ebyabe / CC BY-SA


Collect and preserve rare books, documents, diaries, letters, personal records, and other papers of historical importance relating to 1861 to 1865.


Work with civic organizations, including homeless shelters, homes for battered women and children, hospital associations, and food banks.


Assist descendants of worthy Confederates in securing an education through scholarships at the Chapter, Division, and General levels.


Hold memorial observances to remember those who served in the War Between the States and the veterans of all wars.


Honor men and women of Confederate descent who have served their country in time of war by bestowing various military service awards.

Rita Zimmerle

Florida Division President 2024-2026

Welcome to the website of the Florida Division United Daughters of the Confederacy®. The Florida Division was organized on 14 July 1896 and is a non-profit organization pursuant to the U.S. Code 501(c)(3) Federal regulations. Members honor their Confederate ancestors through the Organization's objectives of Historical, Benevolent, Educational, Memorial, and Patriotic. You are invited to explore our website and learn more about our Organization.

Rita Zimmerle

Disclaimer: The presence of links to outside websites does not imply endorsement, approval, or concurrence by the United Daughters of the Confederacy® on any level. The name "United Daughters of the Confederacy" is a registered trademark of the General Organization and may not be used outside the Organization without the express written consent of the United Daughters of the Confederacy®. The official UDC insignia is a registered trademark of the General Organization and may not be used without the express written consent of the President General.

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Last updated 29 Jan 2025